by andrea | Sleep Articles
Free 15 Minute Sleep ConsultationBook a free 15-minute sleep consult to get some sleep tips and learn how we can help your family. Book Now While Sleep Coaching and Sleep Consulting services are not normally reimbursed, we do have some options that may be covered by...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
If you are in the Toronto area, make sure you come see us at The Baby Show April 2nd and 3rd for life-changing sleep solutions for the whole family, fun and prizes! (If you are not local, we have something special for you too, just keep reading.) We will have some of...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
Between holiday parties, family dinners, visitors, sweets, anticipation, and travel, December can be full of excitement and joy. It’s also a common time for children’s sleep to get off track. Here are 8 tips to help you maintain your sanity throughout the season and...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
There are a lot of varying opinions when it comes to swaddling or wrapping babies. The recommendations of differnt professionals and locations cover the full spectrum from - every baby should be swaddled in the early months to never swaddle a baby. Some of these...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
Mom Question: Why is my 9 month old suddenly waking every hour through the night? Before that she was waking every 3-4 hours. There are several reasons why a baby may suddenly start waking more often at night. Sometimes in the case of Developmental milestones,...