Introductory sleep package


  • Mini sleep consult
    (up to 30 minutes)

  • Custom sleep guide

  • Receipt for insurance

Are you concerned about your sleep? Either for yourself or your baby or child? This introductory sleep consult is perfect if you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start focusing. Or you have a specific concern you would like help with such as nap coaching, sleep concerns with travelling, disruptions or transitioning to daycare, dropping a nap or if you are doing sleep coaching and have a question/concern or would like to make sure you are on the right track.
We offer gentle sleep solutions that are tailored to your specific situation. Our techniques are supportive, responsive and are respectful of emotional well-being.

After the consult, you will receive a sleep guide with information relevent to our situation.


In addition, we will send you a receipt for extended health benefits/insurance reimbursement.

We are looking forward to helping you get better sleep!

Information about our extended services


Use the button below to purchase your Introductory Sleep Package for $30 plus HST. Then use the link on the payment completed page to book your package.