by andrea | Sleep Articles
Ask any Sleep Expert who follows the Wakeful Window or Awake Time/Nap Gap theory, you will find a wide variety of recommended wakeful window suggestions. In part, this is due to the many factors that impact sleep and the fact that every child is different. For...
by andrea | Sleep Articles
The world is changing rapidly and along with that parenting is also evolving. There are many unknowns in our modern world – Is childhood also different now than it was 30 years ago? One of the big influences today is the prevalence of screen media in our daily lives....
by andrea | Sleep Articles
Adapt our parenting to your child Your child is the greatest teacher you will ever have. Every child is unique and as a parent you are uniquely positioned to become the expert for your child. Figuring a child out and how to work with them is one of the most rewarding...
by andrea | Sleep Articles
Let them Feel the Feels - What is Emotion Coaching? Emotion coaching is a parenting strategy that helps children develop emotional intellegence. It respects children's emotions and helps them feel heard and understood so they can learn to regulate their emotions. It...
by andrea | Sleep Articles
What is temperament Temperament is a persons in-born traits which influence how they interact and learn from the world around them. A person’s temperament appears to be hard-wired from birth and is influenced by both genetics and environmental issues,...
by andrea | Sleep Articles
Welcome to our Parenting Skills Series where we will cover some practical tips and tools to use in raising the children in your life, regardless of your parenting style. There have been some big changes in the way we nurture, raise and discipline children over the...
by andrea | Sleep Articles
How to Use the Spring Time Change to Get More SleepCan Daylight Saving Time mean MORE SLEEP for parents? The start of Daylight Saving Time in the spring is often met with anxiety. The Spring time change is associated with losing an hour of sleep. Especially if you...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
Every year we get lots of questions from concerned parents about the fall time change. The fall time change can be particularly challenging for families whose children are waking up early. There are a few gentle changes that you can make to help the process be a bit...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday for children, but the late night trick-or-treating, massive amounts of sugar, and excitement can throw a wrench into even the best sleeper’s patterns. For new parents, you may be surprised at how busy the evening is around your...
by KinderSleep | Sleep Articles
Can the start of Daylight Saving Time mean MORE SLEEP for parents? This Spring time change is often met with anxiety as it is often associated with losing an hour of sleep. Especially if you have to get up for work at a particular time. However, for parents with...