Parents delight at the spring time change as they may have a bit more time to themselves and they have hopes that their children might actually sleep later. This year Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday March 13th.
March forward into the new time. Most children do well with switching to the new time right away when we change the clocks. However, if your child is more sensitive to being over-tired you can gradually shift her bedtime and wake time earlier by 15 to 30 minutes a day either before Sunday or after.
To help with this transition make sure your child gets good naps and is not over-tired at bedtime. You may need to use blackout blinds in your child's room or dim the lights as you are getting ready for bed.
If your child is already waking up too early you may be able to take advantage of this time change to encourage sleeping in longer. "The key is to use the naps to get to the new bedtime rested" suggests Kim West. If you are at risk of your child getting to bedtime over-tired, try to get in an emergency cat nap by the end of the day even if it means going for a ride in the stroller or car. Just make sure your child is awake by 4:30pm at the latest.
Most of us will adjust to the new time in a few days to a week, although it can cause some sleep disruptions in the process. After this short transition you can enjoy summer time until fall back comes again.